Example posts for each topic
- lda
The LDA object made with fit_LDAs or par_fit_LDAs
- orig_data
Data object which was originally used
- n_posts
How many examples posts per topic should be selected
seg_ldas <- SegmentR:::test_data(explore = FALSE)$lda
#> removing stopwords
#> Making DTMs
#> making tuning grid
#> setting up LDAs
data <- seg_ldas$data
seg_ldas <- seg_ldas$lda
exemplars <- purrr::map2(
#> # A tibble: 30 × 5
#> document topic gamma message url_var
#> <chr> <int> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 69 1 0.905 Fun ones #HispanicHeritageMonth pinterest.com/p… https:…
#> 2 20 1 0.843 #DiaDeLosMuertos #DayOfTheDead #LatinCulture #C… https:…
#> 3 80 1 0.792 Wake Up Texas! #VETOBETO. Beto wrong Texas! https:…
#> 4 21 1 0.784 #DiaDeLosMuertos #DayOfTheDead #LatinCulture #C… https:…
#> 5 87 1 0.771 #halloween #cna #cnasofinstagram #tampanurses #… https:…
#> 6 100 1 0.708 Kilgore ISD's Hispanic Heritage Fest draws hund… https:…
#> 7 42 1 0.688 #DiaDeLosMuertos #DayOfTheDead #LatinCulture #C… https:…
#> 8 46 1 0.688 #DiaDeLosMuertos #DayOfTheDead #LatinCulture #C… https:…
#> 9 95 1 0.633 Latinas community, come support children educat… https:…
#> 10 74 1 0.598 Stop LatinX Resource Fair 11 A.M. 1 P.M. MBSC A… https:…
#> # ℹ 20 more rows